Mediation Fees

Opening a Case

The initial 1/2 hour is free, which will include a conference call or interview to determine if mediation is right for you based on your Mediation Request. If all parties agree to proceed, opening a case with NJREM requires a non-refundable $250.00 filing fee paid by the initiating party, though parties typically agree to share this cost and will apply to review of all submissions required, pre-mediation discussion and / or meeting, review of the Mediation Process, confidentiality and the parties signing an “Agreement to Mediate” prior to the first mediation meeting.

Mediation Services and Fees

Two-Hour Session - $175 / hour per participant or party.
Half-Day Session - $200 / hour per participant or party (A Half Day is typically 3 hours).
Full-Day Session - $200 / hour per participant or party (A Full Day is typically 6 hours)

Additional cost per hour if an extension of the mediation session is agreed upon by all participants is typically $150 / hour per participant or party and must be paid upon the mediation conclusion by either check or cash….. Rates for mediations exceeding three parties may be negotiable depending on the nature and complexity of the dispute involved. Rates for mediation that require certain travel and accommodations will be determined by the mediation assignment prior to the engagement of services.

Special circumstance and contract (multiple assignment) rates are available.

Deposit For Services

When the mediation is scheduled, a $200 nonrefundable fee is due from each participant or party upon receipt of invoice. This fee applies toward the total mediation fee. The balance of the total fee is due one week prior to the date of mediation, which amount will be provided by the mediator as the time estimated to mediate the dispute. Any remaining deposit and /or estimated fee if not applicable will be refunded to the parties upon the completion of the mediation process. All services not included in the filing fee will be billed from the deposit and the balance of the estimated billing provided by the mediator. The balance of fees is the responsibility of the initiating party, though parties typically agree to apportion this cost.

If mediation is cancelled or rescheduled four or fewer business days prior to the mediation date, a $200 late cancellation fee will be due from the party or parties cancelling or rescheduling the mediation. If mediation is cancelled on the actual mediation date, the full mediation fee is due from both parties.

In the event additional professional assistance by third party participation is recommended or required by the mediator, it is at the client’s option and if pursued, client must approve and agree in writing to any engagement beyond the originating Mediator’s participation. Those fees will be determined upon the service being offered and performed. These services may include but are not limited to Certified Court Appointed Arbitrators, Certified Divorce and Asset Financial Analysts, Distressed and Divorce Funding Lenders, Collaborative Counsel, Certified Public & Forensic Accountants and related disciplines to assist in resolving these issues.

New Jersey Real Estate Mediation, LLC
12 Brightwinds Ct., Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
(O) 732.428.7222 (C) 732.580.6394 (Email)

New Jersey Real Estate Mediation, LLC(TN), All Rights Reserved, 2014